Friday, February 11, 2011

Family Friday Shout Out...

Ok, this Friday's Shout Out just has to be to my favorite son-in-law, Mike. Yes, I know I only have, one but one is sufficient!

The other day I was in a meeting...and my cell phone rang.  Caller ID said it was my granddaughter, Megan.  As it was in the middle of a school day I thought I should answer it just in case there was a problem.  The conversation went something like this:

"Hello, Nana?"
"Mike, how are you?"
Mike whispering in a very hushed voice...."If I die, will you please check what your daughter has been feeding me? Oh, I gotta hang up!!"

That was the conversation.  I quickly text  Tiffany "call me."  She was obviously busy and didn't see the text for several hours.  I was somewhat concerned but at the same time knew where both of them should be.  For those of you who know, Mike has just had back surgery and I think the combination of a burnt toasted cheese sandwich and drugs had got the better of him at that moment.  It makes for a good story moral to this story is Tiffany you had better not poison Mike!

Fun Memories of Mike:

When they came out of the temple after having been married I turned to Mike and said "Just give backs!" He is living up to that promise and I think he is very happy, accept maybe the poisoning scare.

Sitting on his new ladder one Christmas while opening other Christmas presents.

Riding his new bike around the kitchen one Christmas morning.

Memories of Mike I would be happy to forget:

When he "mooned" me at a pool in St. George.

When he "mooned" me at a pool in St. George. NO this is not a typo he did it two different times!!!

Why I admire Mike:

He is a hard worker and has taught his children those same values.

He eats 99.9% of the food I put in front of him. (okay the green fettuccine wasn't his favorite)

He will always come help us if we ask without a word of complaint.

He loves his family.

So Mike let me just say to you...I love you.  Thanks for being my only son-in-law, and remember....No give backs!


  1. From Mike: That was very nice, thank you. And for the most part, I'm not tempted to give her back.

  2. Ha ha. What a nice tribute to a nice guy!

  3. That is great! I agree, Mike is a great guy. The tribute is very well done:)

  4. Ha Ha I LOVE the phone call story.

  5. Great story, though i think he needs to read for strength of youth, i am sure it has a section on mooning your mother-in-law.

  6. OK... I think I might be blog stalking... but then Tiffany did link to your blog... and I wish stalkers would leave comments (if they're nice comments) so I will leave a comment. I have to say, I do like that Mike Sowby, he's a good guy :-) He takes care of his wife and his children and he works hard... the mooning? hmmmmm...
